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Showing posts from June, 2018

Orange Movement - Keypad With 6 Random Sounds APK

Listen parts of the famous Spot Orange Movement using the Keypad included in this App with 6 different sounds that are played at random. This awesome application allows you to listen to the already popular Sound " Orange Movement " as many times as you want in a single and simple step, you must open the application and press the Play button ... Play this sound with a simple click, you can enjoy with your friends or family, you will can laugh and/or enjoy. Download it now for free! Remember that you can evaluate this application and indicate in the comments that you would like the next sound to be available. The commented sounds will be added in a next update or in a new application as appropriate in the shortest possible time, in some cases within the same day or in less than 48 hours. You can also request the application that you like.

常用漢字筆順辞典 FREE APK

「常用漢字筆順辞典」は、筆順と読みを最も速く最も簡単に調べられるアプリです。 漢字2439字とひらがな・カタカナを、1画ずつ指でなぞって筆順を確かめられます。 さらに、常用漢字以外も含めた計6027漢字の読みを搭載しているので、簡易漢字辞典としても使用できます。 人前で漢字を書く時に「この書き方や読みで合っているのか」 そう不安に思った事はありませんか? このアプリがあれば気になる漢字の筆順や読みをすぐに調べられます。また正しい筆順は、美しい字を書く事にもつながります。 漢字の検索方法はとても簡単。画面に指で直接漢字を書きこめば漢字が大きく綺麗に表示されます。また画数や読みからも検索が可能です。 これからは筆順を知らない字や読めない字があっても大丈夫。 パソコン時代の今だからこそ「常用漢字筆順辞典」で漢字を手軽に活用して下さい。 【特徴】 ◆検索したい漢字を手書きで入力できます。 知りたい漢字を画面に指で書くだけで字を認識し、すぐに表示されます。 手書き認識のシステムは携帯ゲーム機などで実績のあるパナソニック株式会社の手書き文字認識エンジン“楽ひら®”を使用しています。 ◆筆順がなぞれる。 筆順がなぞれる文字は全部で2608文字あります。 漢字は常用漢字(義務教育で習う漢字)と人名漢字の一部、さらに新常用漢字表(仮称)の追加字種候補196字の計2439字を収録しています。 またひらがなとカタカナも収録しています。 ◆筆順アニメーション機能 Ver2.0.0 より筆順通りに文字を書いている所をアニメーションで表示する筆順表示機能が実装されました。 ◆音訓の読みが確認できる。 6027漢字の読みや部首名が検索できます。一般的な漢字はもちろん、難しい漢字も読みや部首等の詳細を確認できます。 ◆漢字が大きくて見やすい。 画面全体に漢字が大きく表示されます。今まで見えにくかったトメやハネ、画数の多い漢字を確認できます。 ◆クリップボードやキーボードからも検索できます。 クリップボード内のテキストやキーボードから入力した文字列内の漢字の読みを一覧で表示します。 ◆インターネットでの検索 検索した漢字と用例をインターネットで検索する事が出来ます。 ◆付箋 Ver2.3.3より 漢字単位で付箋を付けてブックマークができます。付箋のカラーは5色から選べコメントを付けることができます。

Infinite Train APK

The sequel to the enormously successful arcade game Infinite Stairs, which was downloaded 8 million times around the world, Infinite Train is a simple game that tests your timing and coordination. It"s so addictive! Set new records with your hand-eye coordination, reflexes, and speed. You haven"t seen anything yet if you haven"t played Infinite Train. Play it now! Game features: - Simple and intuitive game controls suitable for users of all ages. - A game of speed and timing that requires speed and controls to set new records. - Fun and comical train designs! Retro pixel graphics! - Retro music that you"ll want you to hear over and over again! Infinite Train! It"s all about timing! Play it now and set new records!

Chuze Fitness APK

Welcome to the Chuze Fitness app! The app allows our members to track their workouts from virtually any piece of cardio equipment, set personal workout goals, sync to 3rd party apps like Map My Fitness and Fit Bit, etc, check class schedules, and get merchant discounts. Chuze members can compete in Chuze club challenges as well as global fitness challenges.

LIPS(リップス) - コスメ・メイクのクチコミ検索アプリ APK

\オシャレなあの子の使ってるコスメが分かる!/ LIPSは、コスメの口コミをチェックできるアプリ。 気になるメイクを見つけたら簡単に保存して、 コスメを買うときなどに参考にできる無料のアプリです。 ◆LIPSでできること◆ ・コスメやメイクアップ商品を検索して評判を確認 ・友達やオシャレな人の口コミをフォロー ・気になるコスメをワンタッチで保存 ・メイクアップを投稿して友達と共有 ◆こんな人にオススメ◆ ・自分に似ている人のメイクを参考にしたい ・チークやリップを実際に塗ったときの色を知りたい ・オシャレに加工されている写真を見るのが好き ◆こんなときに使える◆ ・新しい化粧品を探すとき 友達が投稿した口コミを参考にできる ・メイクアップ方法を知りたいとき 初めてメイクをする子でも、みんなの投稿からコスメの使い方が分かる ・欲しい化粧品の評判が気になる LIPSの口コミなら写真と一緒に投稿されているから信頼できる ・登校中・通勤中の移動時間 オシャレに加工されたメイクの写真を見て癒される ・コスメを買ったとき コスメの良い点や使い方を友達と共有できる ◆ウェブサイト◆ ◆お問い合わせ◆

윈드러너 for kakao APK

5000만의 런닝메이트! 윈드러너Z Grand Open! ** 함께하는 재미, 조이맥스! ** 윈드러너에 드래곤 보스가 나타났다! 대한민국 대표 달리기 게임, 윈드러너 시즌4 "드래곤슬레이어" !! 확~달라진 윈드러너에서 함께 런런런!! # 윈드러너 챔피언십 보스모드 업데이트!! 러너님들을 모험을 막는 드래곤 보스가 나타났다. 총5종의 보스가 기다리는 챔피언십을 향해 모두 런런!! # 새로워진 랭킹! 새로워진 보상!! 보스와 매일매일 어드벤처 던전을!! 던전 완료 보상에 랭킹별 보상이 팡팡! 카카오 프렌즈와 함께하는 랭킹 경쟁 카톡 친구들아 어디까지 달려봤니? 윈드러너의 친구들 Joymax 의 맞고의 신, 마이리틀셰프도 함께 달려요! # 윈드러너 어드벤처 모드 업데이트!! 새로운 던전에서 차별화된 보상이 기다린다! 7일 7색 무지개 같은 매력의 어드벤처 모드로 새로워진 대한민국 넘버원 러닝게임 윈드러너! ※ 유료 콘텐츠(아이템) 구매 시 별도의 요금이 부과됩니다. ● 청약 철회 및 구매 대금의 환불 등 - 이용자가 구매한 유료콘텐츠의 경우에는 계약 체결일 또는 유료콘텐츠 이용가능일로부터 7일 이내에 별도의 수수료 없이 청약철회(구매취소)를 할 수 있습니다. 단, 선물 및 이벤트 등 회사나 제3자로부터 무상으로 제공받은 유료콘텐츠, 청약철회 요청 당시 이미 사용하였거나 사용한 것으로 간주되는 유료콘텐츠 등 이에 준하는 특성을 가진 일부 유료콘텐츠에 대하여는 관련 법령에 따라 청약철회(구매취소)가 제한될 수 있습니다. ● 청약 철회에 따른 효과 - 회사는 이용자로부터 재화 등을 반환 받은 경우 3영업일 이내에 대금을 환급합니다 단, 수납확인이 필요한 결제수단의 경우에는 수납확인일로부터 3영업일 이내에 이를 환급하도록 합니다. 이 경우 회사가 환급을 지연한 때에는 그 지연기간에 대하여 관련 법령에서 정한 이율을 곱하여

Займы онлайн на карту APK

Чтобы найти займы онлайн используйте приложениe Ведь это крупнейший сервис поиска займов без отказов в России, предлагающий на выбор клиента более 3 000 микрофинансовых организаций и ломбардов, 5 700 предложений и 21 400 офисов. Организации выдают как микрозаймы на карту, киви или яндекс кошелёк, так и наличными. Кроме того, в каталоге имеются микрофинансовые компании и ломбарды, выдающие деньги в долг под залог имущества. Удобный поиск микрозаймов Теперь можно сравнить и выбрать все предложения микрофинансовых компаний в одном месте. Достаточно указать в фильтре необходимые параметры займа: срок, сумму, способ получения. В результатах выдачи отобразятся предложения с суммой переплаты и рейтингом компаний. Кроме того, можно выбрать ближайший офис нужной микрофинансовой организации на карте, узнать, как добраться, посмотреть часы работы. После детального изучения условий можно отправить онлайн-заявку на заем средств в несколько выбранных микрофинансовых компаний. Есть возможно

KFVS12 First Alert Weather APK

The KFVS Mobile Weather App includes: * Access to station content specifically for our mobile users * 250 meter radar, the highest resolution available * Future radar to see where severe weather is headed * High resolution satellite cloud imagery * Current weather updated multiple times per hour * Daily and Hourly forecasts updated hourly from our computer models * Ability to add and save your favorite locations * A fully integrated GPS for current location awareness * Severe weather alerts from the National Weather Service * Opt-in push alerts to keep you safe in severe weather

Offroad Truck Cargo Delivery Forklift Driver Game APK

Do you love truck driving off road game? Truck games with an offroad truck driver and forklift driver! That"s the kind of truck driving you will get with an off road truck driver in this Offroad truck cargo delivery game. Off road Truck games with an offroad truck driver doing off road truck driving while using forklifter for loading could be good in the past but this Offroad truck cargo delivery with forklifter is the best of the off road truck games in 2018. Off road game for truck driving usually are not Driving Simulator but this off road game is a Driving Simulator in truck games with a truck driver and fork lifter. Background story of this truck simulator game of truck cargo delivery: Our Driving Simulator was looking for ways to earn money. Kool Games was looking for Forklift Driver for Driving Simulator so our Man grabbed this opportunity and he is a truck driver and a forklift driver in this truck simulator game doing truck driving and forklift driving. Though a truck sim

KLTV First Alert Weather APK

The KLTV Mobile Weather App includes: * Access to station content specifically for our mobile users * 250 meter radar, the highest resolution available * Future radar to see where severe weather is headed * High resolution satellite cloud imagery * Current weather updated multiple times per hour * Daily and Hourly forecasts updated hourly from our computer models * Ability to add and save your favorite locations * A fully integrated GPS for current location awareness * Severe weather alerts from the National Weather Service * Opt-in push alerts to keep you safe in severe weather

Watch Droid Assistant APK

Version for smartwatch. Connect your Android smartwatch to your phone so you can receive notifications of your selected applications, incoming call information, make a call, manage music playback, , send a file from the phone to the smartwatch, and more. Not compatible with Android Wear. How does it work: Install "Watch Droid Phone" on your cell phone. Install "Watch Droid Assistent" on the smartwatch. Verify that both devices have bluetooth activated. Enter "Watch Droid Phone" and follow the steps of the assistant in configuration. Notifications: After giving permission to manage the notifications of the phone and select the applications you want to control you can respond the same from the watch. In the options of the application of the phone you will have the possibility to modify your predefined

Love Video Status APK

Large collection of different Video Status (Lyrical Videos) for every feeling. Functionalities ------------------------- + Category wise video status. + All new collection of video status. + Beautiful Design. + Quick buttons to download and share videos. + Better Performance. + Manage Downloaded Videos. Categories: ----------------- + Trending Video Status + Latest Video Status + Love Video Status + Sad Video Status + Romantic Video Status + Comedy Video Status + Dialogue Video Status + Punjabi Video Status + Tamil Video Status + Gujarati Video Status + Marathi Video Status DP and Status: ---------------------------------------- Now we have DPs and status for all of your feelings. Memes: ----------------------------------------- Download memes and share them with your friends or upload on different social networking apps. Tags: Video Status, Status Video, Love Video Status, DPs, Dp and Status, Memes, Quotes, Quotes and Status

Prison of Word APK

This is a puzzle where you have to solve puzzles by combining "word cards" to make a sentence, and escape the room. This game is actively under development, you can follow the game"s Facebook page to see the latest development progress of the game! Link to the Facebook page:

자차운행정보 - 신세계푸드 APK

자차운행정보 - 신세계푸드 앱은 편리한 운행기록부 작성을 위해 개발 되었습니다. 기록된 운행기록은 신세계푸드 폼에 완벽 대응하며 제반비용까지 입력이 가능합니다. [데이터 소모량] - 운행중에는 데이터가 소모되지 않습니다. (하루종일 ON 상태여도 데이터 소모는 0 입니다.) - 데이터가 사용되는 부분은 1) 앱을 실행할때 (사용권한 체크) 2) 운행을 시작할때(주소검색) 3) 운행을 종료할때(주소검색 및 운행기록 전송) 4) 메인화면 진입시 (리스트 출력) 5) 운행기록 수정/삭제 시 6) 회원가입 및 로그인 * 1~6의 경우 텍스트 전송이 전부이기 때문에 최대 1메가 수준 이하로 단말기 데이터 사용량은 미미 합니다. * 위치기반 사업자신고 (필증번호 제1008호) 카택스에서 제작된 신세계푸드 전용 차량운행일지

Last Minute Hotels - Late Hotels - Cheap Hotels APK

Last Minute Hotel Offers is an efficient booking app that helps you find the best last-minute hotels, motels, apartments and villas on offer with huge savings. Available worldwide, book now and save your money! HOTEL, VILLAS & APARTMENT OFFERS If you are looking for a great app, this travel app is certainly the best choice for you! With this booking app you will be able to find thousands of unsold last minute hotels, apartments and villas on offer with huge savings of up to 80% that are available worldwide. On this travel app you can take advantage of special offers on last minute offers of hotels, apartments and villas from the world"s most popular accommodation providers. BOOKING DEALS & SAVINGS This traveling app is highly efficient and effortless way for you to find the best booking deals that will save you a lot of money. With this travel planner app, you will be able to find thousands of advanced booking deals also on hotels, apartments and villas with huge savings a

Men beard photo editor Mustache : Hairstyle salon APK

Are you getting tens with ancient style of mustache and beard? With our new Men beard photo editor Mustache : Hairstyle salon app give an enormously keen n good-looking opportunity to your hairstyles of beard and mustache. Go with our new Men beard photo editor Mustache : Hairstyle salon app very easily. Discover contemporary, stylish trendy beard styles for men through this Men beard photo editor Mustache : Hairstyle salon. Create attractive and cool men beard styles. Men beard photo editor Mustache : Hairstyle salon is exclusive beard man photo editor app that lets you edit any men beard with different men beard style and Hair style, beard design, mustache, and beard photo editor style. Men beard photo editor Mustache : Hairstyle salon gives you the prospect to men beard styles for men edit and boosts your pictures with stunning hairstyles, different beards, and mustaches. Through beard styles for men also add glasses and hairstyles to your pictures and see the whole thing you look l

Flash Mobile México APK

Somos una nueva empresa de telefonía móvil que te premia por compartir con tus amigos y familiares. Invita a tus amigos a unirse a Flash Mobile y disfruta de los grandes beneficios de nuestro Programa de Referidos “Ve por 5”. En nuestra app encontrarás todo lo que necesitas para disfrutar de Flash Mobile en un solo lugar: Consulta nuestros planes, promociones y recarga desde cualquier lugar sin filas ni esperas. Todo lo que puedes hacer con nuestra app: * Consultar saldo e historial de consumos (llamadas, sms y datos) * Contratar y administrar tu plan * Hacer recargas * Programar una recarga automática con cargo a tarjeta de crédito * Transferir saldo * Modificar tu Switch de datos * Bloquear tu línea en caso de robo o extravío * Chatear con uno de nuestros agentes * Acceder a nuestro foro de duda


MiMEC is the gateway to your workplace! Connecting you to all Mississauga Executive Centre has to offer! With MiMEC you can access services and amenities available exclusively to you as an office tenant. Be the first to know when events are taking place, participate in surveys, promotions and so much more! MiMEC will keep you up to date on building news and events. Stay informed about scheduled property maintenance, know when new tenants move in and RSVP for the next tenant appreciation event all through your mobile phone!

Just Snow – Photo Effects APK

Looking forward to winter? Enough! Install the Just Snow app and add realistic snow to your photo right now. What you need At your disposal more than 30 unique filters, created specifically for Just Snow app. You will definitely find the one that suits you. Choose one of 4 categories: 1. Small snow - great for landscapes. 2. Bokeh - a large and blurry snow, which will decorate your portrait shots. 3. Motion - inspired by extreme photos and suitable for unusual camera angles. 4. Abstraction - pure imagination, use to create creative works. Just perfect Create exellent compositions using the "Mask" tool. The snowfall will never close your face or other important objects. The mask works like an eraser. Choose the ideal shape, for example, for landscapes is useful "Half", and for the portrait a "Circle". Just move the mask to the desired object and set the desired size. Add a new layer Not enough snow? Use the layers. Mix filters from different categories. Als

Babyshop APK

Shop over 5,000 products for babies and mommies with our Babyshop app now. Enjoy great deals on kids’ clothing, cribs, baby beds, car seats, strollers, feeding essentials and toys from leading brands. Here’s why we think you’ll love our shopping experience: • Enjoy free assembly for your nursery furniture, car seats, strollers and more. • Pay by cash, Credit or Debit Cards, international Credit Cards and Shukrans. • Easily return or cancel your order from our app in a few easy steps. • Earn valuable Shukrans and spend them for instant savings. • Favourite the products you love and shop them anytime you want. There’s a whole lot more for you to enjoy, so go ahead and download our Babyshop app today. Happy shopping! تسوّقي ما يزيد عن 5,000 منتج للأطفال والأمهات مع تطبيق بيبي شوب الآن. استمتعي بعروض رائعة على ملابس الأطفال، الأسرّة والأمهدة، كراسي السيارة، عربات الأطفال، مستلزمات التغذية والألعاب من ماركات رائدة. نعتقد أنكِ ستحبين تجربة التسوق معنا، وإليكِ الأسباب: • استمتعي بتركيب م

Centrepoint APK

Shop the region’s largest fashion destination, featuring over 22,000 products from four leading brands – Splash, Babyshop, Lifestyle and Shoe Mart. Get the Centrepoint app and enjoy great deals today. Here’s why we think you’ll love our shopping experience: • Pay by cash, Credit or Debit Cards, international Credit Cards and Shukrans. Easily return or cancel your order from our app in a few easy steps. • Earn valuable Shukrans and spend them for instant savings. • Favourite the products you love and shop them anytime you want. There’s a whole lot more for you to enjoy, so go ahead and download our Centrepoint app today. Happy shopping! تسوّق أحد أكبر وجهات الأزياء في المنطقة، والتي تتضمّن ما يزيد عن 22,000 منتج من أربع ماركات رائدة – سبلاش، بيبي شوب، لايف ستايل وشو مارت. احصل على تطبيق سنتربوينت اليوم واستمتع بعروض رائعة. نعتقد أنك ستحب تجربة التسوق معنا، وإليك الأسباب: • ادفع نقدًا، عبر بطاقة الائتمان أو الخصم المباشر وشكرنز. • قم باسترجاع أو إلغاء طلبك بكل سهولة على تطبيقنا خل

Totem Story Farm APK

ADVENTURES AWAITS HEROES Hurry up to join adventures in time travel journey. Great story, new lands and their citizens are waiting for its heroes. Totem Story Farm is an adventure filled with beautiful landscapes, delicious fruits, exotic animals and friendly natives. Build your farm, take care of plants, grow vegetables in garden and develop your settlement. Local people are always glad to help you! Lost in time world hides many secrets and stories collect all the parts of Totem and travel to other worlds. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: — Create a settlement and decorate it to your taste; — Tame exotic animals: Ostriches, Llamas and Elephants; — Create a beautiful garden and collect tons of vegetables and fruits; — Produce various objects and tools; — Fulfill orders in Trade Port; — Solve many mysteries of the magical world; — Travel to new territories and help locals; — Reveal the mystery of Totem and the lost world; — Dive into the world of adventures and new emotions; — Cook the most delici

Free TV Shows App:News, TV Series, Episode, Movies APK

DISCLAIMER: TV App is a third-party API player compliant with YouTube’s terms of service. All YouTube videos, episodes, music and tv shows including CNN, ESPN, NFL, NBC, Fox and ABC are played via the official YouTube embedded player through the YouTube API. Some television programs (e.g. FTV) are hosted on our own streaming platform (non-YouTube platform) under permission from the respective publishers. Free TV App gives you the latest news, music, world news, TV series episodes, movies, sports, entertainment, cartoons, travel, learning English, and radio, all in one App! Download Now. Features: *News: news app for free, including world news, live news, radio *Rich content: world news, radio, music, news line, sports, cartoons, talk shows and many others. *Free: you can use it as a news app, music app, radio or tv app, and it’s free to use! ***DISCLAIMER*** This is NOT an official app for the various online media services. This is only an unofficial 3rd-party client that complies with

Aloha Voice Chat Audio Call with New People Nearby APK

“ALOHA” makes it easy to know people around the world through audio chats with people nearby. It is really a simple and free calling app just listen and you"ll soon notice the clear voice call with a high quality sound. Voice chat is the best way to interact with strangers and get to know each other. Video chat is also supported among friends. Do you live in a place where it is too hard to connect with others or feel lonely and need to exchange of thoughts, ideas or feelings with someone? Are you tired of others being deceptive, dishonest or lying about their gender? Would you like to build true friendship with people around the world without checking their profile? Swipe up and get ready to have amazing audio chat with people around you! We are building an enjoyable, clean and harmony community, so any offensive behaviors or violations against our terms of use will be taken seriously and will result in the termination of your account. Main Features: 1. Ability to select gender an

Pic Collage Maker - Photo Editor & Heart Collage APK

Collage Maker&Photo Editor&Pic Collage Maker, make funny photo collage effects. 2018 Football World Cup is coming. Happy Happy⚽🏆🎉. Pic Collage Maker is the best photo collage layout tool for Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. Combine many photos into one special photo collage and help you create perfect picture collages and InstaCollages. Pic Collage Maker is also an awesome Photo Editor free. Key Features ● Combine photos with amazing layouts into beautiful collages ● Turn your pics into art with perfect filters, effects and photo editing tools ● Photo editing tools sharpness, shadow adjustment ● Remix up to 20 of photos to create fun layouts and collages ● 37 unique photo effects for making unique photo collage ● Stickers, tags, emojis, texts, and photo frames: tens of borders and frames ● Rotate, mirror, flip images, drag or swap them, pinch to zoom in or out ● Emojis, tags and make your photo more stylish ● Make blur background to your photos ⭐Tens of photo collage effe

WTOL First Alert Weather APK

The WTOL Mobile Weather App includes: * Access to station content specifically for our mobile users * 250 meter radar, the highest resolution available * Future radar to see where severe weather is headed * High resolution satellite cloud imagery * Current weather updated multiple times per hour * Daily and Hourly forecasts updated hourly from our computer models * Ability to add and save your favorite locations * A fully integrated GPS for current location awareness * Severe weather alerts from the National Weather Service * Opt-in push alerts to keep you safe in severe weather

WTVM Storm Team 9 Weather APK

The WTVM Mobile Weather App includes: * Access to station content specifically for our mobile users * 250 meter radar, the highest resolution available * Future radar to see where severe weather is headed * High resolution satellite cloud imagery * Current weather updated multiple times per hour * Daily and Hourly forecasts updated hourly from our computer models * Ability to add and save your favorite locations * A fully integrated GPS for current location awareness * Severe weather alerts from the National Weather Service * Opt-in push alerts to keep you safe in severe weather

צו ראשון- דפ"ר90 ‎ APK

אפליקציית דפ"ר90- הכנה לצו ראשון הינה ממשק המכין מתגייסים לקראת הצו ראשון, באופן המקצועי והנוח ביותר על מנת להעלות את סיכויי ההצלחה בהגעה לתפקידים משמעותיים מאז שארגון דפ"ר90 הוקם, עשרות אלפי מתגייסים התכוננו דרכנו לצו ראשון על מנת לממש את הפוטנציאל ולהגיע לתפקידים משמעותיים בצה"ל וזו היא מטרתנו! צוות דפ"ר90 הכולל מומחים ממערך המיון והשיבוץ בצה"ל, בנה מערכת המכינה לצו ראשון דרך אפליקציות המובייל באנדרואיד ובאיפון וכן באתר האינטרנט הצו הראשון הוא המפגש הראשוני וכנראה החשוב ביותר בין המלש"ב (מועמד לשירות ביטחוני) לבין צה"ל. הצו הראשון הוא שלב קריטי מכיוון שבו תעברו שלבים שונים אשר בשקלול כל אחד מהמרכיבים תקבלו את הקב"א (קבוצת איכות) שלכם שלבי הצו ראשון ע"פ סדר החשיבות הינם: - מבחנים פסיכוטכניים: קובעים את ציון הדפ"ר (דירוג פסיכוטכני ראשוני) - ראיון אישי: קובע את ציון הצד"כ (ציון דירוג כללי) - בדיקות רפואיות: קובע את הפרופיל הרפואי והנפשי - תחנת אימות נתונים בסוף יום הצו ראשון ייקבעו הנתונים האישיים שלכם אשר מסווגים ל: 1.